O. Mende, M. Redeker, M. Rudack, D. Treytnar

A Multifunctional Laser Linking and Cutting Structure for Standard 0.25 µm CMOS-Technology


A novel laser-switch has been developed, designed and manufactured in a standard 6 level metal CMOS process. The redimensioned laser-switches combine a laser link and via (fuse) corresponding to minimum design rules in a single device. Due to vertical arrangement of the linking and the cutting structure (via), an area reduction of more than 30% is achieved, compared to laser arrays utilizing traditional laser structures. Simultaneous connecting and disconnecting reduces the processing time by 50%, since an additional process step is omitted. The resistance of the formed link structures is very low (R12x12median=0.065 Ohm ,R10x10median =0.118 Ohm). Optimal values have been found for laser parameters to process the cutting structure with 100% yield. A first estimation of life-time results in t0.1=22 a. Arrangements of laser-switches for bus configuration and repair, and for overwriting static configuration signals are proposed.

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