Hartmut Grabinski, Dieter Treytnar, Uwe Arz, Faïez Ktata, Petra Nordholz

Influence of Frequency-Dependent Characteristics on Deep Submicron Crosstalk Simulations

The SIA Roadmap shows a very aggressive drive to deep submicron designs. In this paper we discuss different approaches to the time domain simulation of crosstalk in deep submicron interconnects. We compare a technique based on frequency-independent parameters using a fast tool
based on a distributed line model, against a new time domain simulator which can efficiently make use of the frequency dependent line parameters. The geometry of the line structures investigated is taken from the SIA Roadmap. This comparison constitutes an important contribution to the still open question if it is necessary to take the frequency dependence of line parameters in high-speed digital
waveform simulations into account or not. The lines' cross sections are taken from the SIA Roadmap going from 250 nm down to 100 nm technology design.

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